An Overview

This course is designed for leaders who wish to optimize personal wellbeing so that positive energy and creativity are supported and sustained, even in times of disruption and turbulence.

The Art of WellBeing utilizes a “coach approach” process in which the primary resource is the internal wisdom and expertise of participants rather than prescriptions from a teacher. Group process and individual coaching sessions make use of inquiry and response to generate greater self-awareness and clarity about each participant’s overall wellbeing. Each will discern and make choices which best fit their current context and season of life.

By the end of the course, participants are able to design a personalized WellBeing Action Plan (aka “Rule of Life for WellBeing”) that is specific and measurable, courageous and realistic. The result of small steps practiced over time creates a transformative path.

The Art of WellBeing

An Invitation to Flourish

Led by Dr. Vicki Johnson, PCC

Course Fee: $495.00
(Receipt provided for professional expense reimbursement)

Next cohorts dates to be announced.

What’s Included?

11 Hours of Coaching Sessions-Nine hours of peer-group learning sessions plus two individual coaching calls scheduled at your convenience to fit your timeline.

Peer Group Learning Sessions- Bi-weekly 90-minute group online zoom sessions will introduce evidence-based lifestyle themes along with opportunities for discernment, fruitful conversation, & meaningful self-discovery.

Individual Coaching Calls- Participants have the option to schedule two individual coaching sessions to further discern, make choices, & design a custom Rule of Life to cultivate their own chosen habits of wellbeing.

Teaching Videos & Worksheets- Regularly emailed bi-weekly on Thursdays around set WellBeing themes designed to encourage & inspire.

Click Here for Testimonials

Topics Covered:

The Practice of Receptivity: Creating small habits for restoration & renewal

The Practice of Body Care: What needs to change in your patterns of eating, sleeping, & moving?

The Practice of Connection: Simple ways to strengthen relationships with family, friends, wise guides, & supportive community

The Practice of Creativity: Re-imagining the ordinary with playfulness, curiosity, & courage

Practicing a Rule of Life: The transformative power for wellbeing of small steps, consistently chosen, over time

The Practice of Purpose: Identifying deeper meaning & gaining clarity about how life purpose contributes to overall wellbeing


$495 includes 9 hours of group coaching & 2 hours of individual coaching

Our Coach Leader:

Dr. Vicki Johnson has been asking questions and listening deeply to leaders for over 35 years with 500+ hours of individual and group leadership coaching. Through her current work as an ICF-certified clergy coach and coach trainer, Vicki pursues her passion for helping churches and pastors flourish. A dedicated life-long learner, Vicki is also trained and certified as an interim ministry specialist, spiritual director, and yoga instructor. Now residing in East Texas, she enjoys pilgrimage travel, healthy cooking, reading historical fiction, snowshoeing, and hiking. Together, she and her husband Roger have 7 children and 9 grandchildren. The Art of WellBeing is the fruit of Vicki’s long-time interest and continued personal journey toward spiritual, emotional, relational, and physical wellbeing. For more about Vicki, click here.
